Cos’è la sabbia granata?

Garnet Sand is a sandblasting mineral derived from either Almandite or Andradite deposits. Almandite garnet is further separated by being either Hard Rock or Alluvial. It is excellent for both wet and dry sandblasting applications. Garnet is an industrial gemstone that creates a profile virtually free of embedment, which makes it perfect for coating adhesion and applications where low or no transfer of grit into the substrate can be tolerated.


  • High hardness. Garnet will last a long time, making it a very cost-effective sandblasting abrasive. Mohs Hardness is 7 to 8 depending on the type.
  • You can recycle several times, depending on your grit size (generally, you can obtain recycled garnet twice, perhaps more when starting with a coarse grade).
  • Environmentally Friendly! Thus, it is often used to blast structures residing over or next to bodies of water where contamination by the blasting media itself is a concern.
  • Garnet is safe and nontoxic with deficient free silica levels (generally less than 1%).
  • Low Dusting. Garnet is a fast and clean blast media. Often referred to as “Poor Man’s Aluminum Oxide.”
  • Excellent for coating prep, surface prep use. Garnet will leave a profile that is almost free from embedment, troughs, and peaks.

Excellent For:

  • Tanks and other confined spaces where the use of a low dusting abrasive is necessary.
  • Dry docks, Bridges, Shipyards – a tremendous abrasive to use where water contamination is a concern.
  • Aluminum and Fiberglass surfaces
  • Hangar decks
  • Powdercoating, denim blasting
  • Industrial Painting

Garnet Sizing and Profile Information: Anchor patterns will vary tremendously based on other variables such as hardness & type of steel, corrosion level being removed, blast angle, blast distance from the steel, etc. There are also many different types of garnet available, each having a different result when used in a blasting operation.

  • 16 – Very Coarse. Ideal for blast rooms due to the number of times you can recycle. Provides a 3-4 mil profile on blasting steel, bridges, ships, and tanks.
  • 20/40 – Medium Coarse.
  • 36 – Coarse. Produces a 2 – 3 mil profile on steel surfaces. Generally used for thick coatings, marine fouling, and rust. Sandblast grade only.
  • 30/60 Medium. Produces a 2.0 – 3 mil profile on steel surfaces. Considered to be an overall workhorse grade for new steel and maintenance for coatings up to 20 mils.
  • 50 Mesh.Sandblast grade only.
  • 80 Mesh – Fine. Produces a 1.5 – 2.0 profile on steel surfaces. Great for aluminum and other sensitive substrates. Also perfect for marine aluminum applications and hydro blast cleaning operations. Also available in Waterjet Grade!

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